Mobile Notary & Remote Online Notarization Services
Professional Loan Signing Agents we insure signatures are never missed on your important lending documents. Blue Water Consulting Inc is also proud to Offer Mobile Notary Services in Northern Idaho & Eastern Washington. Don’t want to leave home? We now offer Remote Online Notarization Services. We make it easy to get your documents notarized from anywhere.
Professional Business Consulting
Looking to start a business? Need help forming an LLC or getting your FEIN number? We can help you get the best start with your new business! On site training and development of your employees on how to use accounting software.
Efficiency and Bookkeeping Solutions
It’s no secret business owners wear many hats. Why spend the time with the hassle of bookkeeping or hiring an on staff bookkeeper? We can take this off your plate, streamline the process, and eliminate the need for staff to handle your books at a cost effective price thats 100% tax deductable.
Industry tailored Solutions for your Business
Our consultants have real world experience working in the construction, oil and gas, agricultural, landscaping, energy consultants, mmj, and retail industries. Our inside knowledge of these markets allow us to better serve our clients.